Frequently Asked Questions
Please read the manuals and this FAQ first if you experience any issues with our plug-ins or website before contacting us.
Do your plug-ins need activation?
Yes, but we've tried to make it as easy as possible for you. Just enter your hitshapers credentials when you first start the full version of the plug-in and you're good to go.
How do I activate my trial?
Trials can't be activated directly. You'll have to downlad and install the full version over the trial. Then the plug-in will ask for the one-time activation. This method requires an internet connection.
My DAW has no internet
We provide a offline authorization method. You will find instructions by clicking on the top right button of your products page ('Offline Authorization').
Can I install the plug-in on multiple machines?
As long as you're the primary user it's okay.
Do your plug-ins run on my Mac M1 / M2?
Yes, all our plug-ins have native support for arm64 / silicon processors.
Registration with ProTools on Mojave
Due to a bug in the discontinued macOS Mojave (10.14), some users experience problems with the activation in Pro Tools. We are sorry about that, please use the offline authorization method in this case. You will find instructions by clicking on the top right button of your products page ('Offline Authorization').
Cubase 12: Plugin does not show up
Steinberg has made some changes in the default paths they are scanning, which may result in new VST3 plugins not being scanned. You'll find more information on the Steinberg Forum.
Defender Virus / Trojan Warnings
Two Windows users have reported that their antivirus system warned them when trying to run the installer. In one case, the warning disappeared overnight. We have reported this to Microsoft and they have confirmed it as a false positive. Before releasing any software, we check against 70 antivirus services for accidental pattern collisions. We think this false positive is caused by the open source installer, which might have been abused for spreading malicious code in the past and therefore generating more false positives. We do not recommend bypassing your antivirus protection, contact us and we will help you with a secure installation.
I still need help
If you are sure the answer is not in the manuals, please contact us, we are glad to help.